Web Design and Development Business Tips:
3 Ways to Regulate Your Revenue


As any freelancer and web design and development agency owner is well aware, regulating revenue is a difficult task. Ebbs and flows of revenue have lead to the expression “feast or famine,” the roller coaster phenomenon that occurs without any seasonality or predictability. During the many years we designed web sites and developed web-based software, […]

Web Designers, Developers & DevOps: Which One Are You?


We’ve come a long ways since the days of the all-seeing Webmaster — a relic of a bygone era when the Web consisted of little more than HTML pages and PERL-based form handlers passed around from site to site. Flash forward to today, and the only remnants of ‘Webmasters’ are advertisers squatting on the keyword […]

Better Project Management Through Online Time Tracking


Project management can sometimes present a web design, development or creative agency, with a Catch-22-like conundrum. Given the unique and customized nature of many web sites and web-based applications, it is difficult to estimate how long it will take to develop, manage and deliver a new project until we’ve actually gone through the process. For […]

How to Build a Lego Wall in Your Home or Office


Many web developers can trace their humble beginnings to the family room floor of their childhood, where boxes of Lego bricks spilled out into our imaginative hands and became flying cars, futuristic skyscrapers, impenetrable fortresses, and whatever else we could think to build. Yes, many of us enjoy developing web-based applications because it is so […]

An Overview of the Open Source Landscape at OSCON 2011


This last July I had another opportunity to attend OSCON 2011 in Portland, Oregon. So I did what any self-described beer and technology enthusiast would do, I jumped on a plane and flew north. While in attendance, I soaked in as much knowledge as I could — insight, instruction, tips, and funny stories about the […]