Why Fixed Bid Contracts are Awful for Web Design and Development Projects


The Web design and development industry is often characterized as being on the bleeding edge of technology. Web designers pushing the limits of HTML and CSS  to create new interactive experiences. Web developers bending servers, databases and code to deliver faster web-based apps. The flexibility of the technology powering the web enables us to respond […]

Time Tracking Isn’t Just for Hourly Billing


I’ve had many conversations about the pros and cons of time tracking with several different web design agencies, creative agencies, and IT services companies — and their corporate in-house counterparts. One of the most common questions that comes up is, “why would we track our time if we aren’t billing hourly?” It’s a valid question. […]

New Intervals Features and Improvements


Introducing invoicing by person, tracking down missing timesheets, project expense reporting, more granular filtering of project feeds along with the ability to subscribe to them via RSS, and more… Our October Intervals release is just the latest collection of features and improvements to make it into our online project management software.  Log in to your Intervals […]

Three Ways to Charge Web Design and Development Clients


The web design and development process is a relatively straightforward one. From sketching out ideas to writing code. From managing the project to delivering the final work to the client. The process is routine (but not monotonous), stimulating and rewarding. But when it comes time to discuss getting paid for that work we tend to […]

Planning, Tracking and Managing Agile Web Development Sprints using Scrum and Intervals


Agile, Scrum and the Web Design and Development Industry The Web development industry, along with the software development world as a whole, is undergoing a significant transition in project management styles. The traditional waterfall methods — where projects are strictly confined to outdated specs and constantly over budget — are being replaced with methodologies collectively known […]