The Tools Our Team Uses to Work (and Play) Remotely


Like most everyone else in the world right now, our team has been working remotely for the last several weeks. However, we’re fortunate that we already had methodologies and tools in use that made the transition less abrupt than others have experienced. Our team has always had the option to work remotely, and many of […]

Remote Teams and Time Tracking:
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly


As more teams find themselves working remote, time tracking is just one of the many important practices that a business must consider. Especially those businesses that bill for their time, or have reporting requirements, or simply want to know where their time is going. Time management plays a critical role in communicating and collaborating with […]

Visualize Your Project Timelines using the Gantt Chart


Intervals provides a suite of tools designed to help you get organized and stay on top of your projects and tasks. There are calendars, list views, dashboards, and reports — all of which provide different levels of visual insights into your ongoing workflow. The Gantt Chart is one of those tools, and it’s ideal for […]

Managing Tasks as a Team when Working Remotely


Getting started with working remote In today’s connected and always online workplace, working remote is becoming the new norm for many. For those who are just getting started working remote, there is an abundance of articles online that will walk you through getting comfortable, ditching distractions, and being efficient. Here are just a few: The […]

Using the Intervals calendar for more than just task management


The calendar is a great resource for visualizing the work that’s currently scheduled, and for planning out future work. But, it does more than just help you manage your projects, milestones, and tasks. The calendar can be used to post notes to your team, review recently updated tasks, and more.  The video above walks […]

New feature: Bulk edit settings


One of the great things about Intervals is that it allows you to setup and customize your workflow. Intervals gives you the control over where your time and tasks are categorized and recorded. This control is very powerful and prevents disorganization, but if you decide to change things midstream the process of updating your defaults […]

Influence & Support Your Team to be Successfully AND Happy


This lighting talk occurred at SCaLE 18x in Pasadena, CA during the UpSCALE Lightening Talk. Jennifer Payne takes the mic to discuss how successful and happy teams: Are thoughtful Emphasize teams over individuals Serve others Find strengths in others Create safe environments Foster growth Communicate effectively  If the video doesn’t play at the proper […]

Introducing new plans and pricing changes


We’ve been talking to our customers to find out what it is about Intervals that provides the most value. It turns out our customers love the project-based pricing, however, one of the things we also kept hearing is that our price points were too restrictive. First, the lowest plan was too expensive, which prevented smaller […]