The 3 Tools You Need to Run a Professional Services Business


We started Pelago as a professional services business over 20 years ago, providing web design and development services to small businesses in our community. Getting started was the easy part. We simply rented an office, bought a few computers, and reached out to every contact we knew and begged them to hire us. Growing the […]

3 Ways Time Tracking Helps You Work Less and Bill More


Time tracking is often misunderstood and excused as being unnecessary. Simply put, many just don’t think tracking time is worth their time, especially if their business is already profitable. Many profitable businesses that we’ve interviewed, however, have found even more success after adding time tracking to their day-to-day workflow. Based on their stories, here are […]

New Case Study: Arctic Circle Enterprises


We recently reached out to our customers to hear their stories and how they use Intervals. This case study features Arctic Circle Enterprises, a maker of custom and wholesale apparel and hard goods. They are the largest Alaskan distributor of apparel, souvenirs, and gifts designed by Alaskan artists, and they’ve been using Intervals to streamline […]

New Case Study: Clark Land Design


We recently reached out to our customers to find out how they are using Intervals to run their small business. For this case study, we feature a landscape architectural and land use planning agency that exemplifies how Intervals can be used effectively for both tracking time and billing clients. Clark Land Design has taken our […]

New Case Study: OffCamber Autosport


We recently reached out to some of our customers to learn more about how they are using Intervals to run their small business. For this case study, we put the spotlight on a company that has found an unconventional use for our workflow software — managing a high performance auto shop. OffCamber autosport has shown […]

New Feature: Add Time for the Entire Week


Intervals has always had a feature that enabled people to enter multiple time entries at once. However, it required a lot of clicks and was tedious when adding time for the entire week. Based on recent customer feedback, we decided to reimagine this feature. The new page for adding multiple time entries for the entire […]

Intervals Listed as One of the Best Basecamp Alternatives for Team Collaboration


We are pleased to share that Intervals was recently featured by Digital Project Manager as one of the best Basecamp alternatives for team collaboration. More specifically, they’ve identified Intervals as one of the best options for small teams and small businesses. We’re one of ten in a diverse listing of established project management applications. Read […]

Why Working Remotely is Hard, and What to Do About It


Whether we like it or not, the current pandemic has required many of us to work remotely to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some of us have found the transition to working from home to be seamless. For the rest of us, the transition was abrupt and bumpy. Even companies like ours, where employees […]