API Beta Release
After a significant amount of research, development and customer feedback, we have officially released the beta version of the API. To get started using the API, read the online documentation for help and tips. Keep in mind that all API requests will operate on your current data, so tread lightly during the beta and please let us know if you find any bugs or have any ideas for improvements. All support inquiries for the API can be sent to api@myintervals.com.
In this post…
More invoicing improvements
Invoicing now supports the ability to calculate in second taxes, such as Canadian GST and Quebec PST. Customers doing business in countries that require a second tax will now find Intervals invoicing more friendly.
In addition to dual tax support, detailed invoices have been improved and can be rebuilt to add additional tracked time while preserving customizations that were previously made to the invoice.
More optimizations in the reports section
We’ve made another round of performance enhancements, this time improving the reports section. Now that we’ve tuned the reports to run faster, we’ll be making similar enhancements to the other areas of Intervals. We’re also planning a second round of performance optimizations to the reports that will be completed in Q4. Our goal is to continue making Intervals as fast and as responsive as possible.
Looking back at Q3, 2009
In addition to the above updates, here are a few additional third quarter improvements:
- QuickBooks time export
- More flexible and detailed invoices
- Widescreen task list view
- Infrastructure improvements
- Client field added to additional locations (home, reporting, timesheets, etc.)
- Rich text editor support in Safari and Chrome
Meanwhile, we are focusing our energy on the next three months and are planning to make them even more productive in terms of new features and performance enhancements. If you are interested in some of the upcoming items we have planned please check out the roadmap discussion in the forum.