Author Archives: John Reeve

Technographic Profile of an Online Project Management Application


Ever wonder what type of technology is used by a web-based project management application’s customers? What browsers do they prefer? What operating systems are favored? Where in the world they are coming from? We’ve got some of those numbers to share with you, based on our own online project management software Intervals. We’ve crunched Intervals’ […]

A Few Tips for Developing Web-based Applications


Take a quick look at the online productivity software landscape and you will see there are plenty of options to choose from. This as a good thing, after all, project managers, web designers, web developers, and creatives are a thorough and intelligent bunch and highly capable of vetting out the best web-based applications that will work […]

Intervals Online Time, Task and Project Management Updates


We are pleased to announce yet another round of updates to Intervals, our online time, task and project management application, launched this week. These updates combine some of our most-requested improvements with a few ideas of our own to continue in the tradition of keeping Intervals fresh, relevant and in a constant state of improving. […]

Five Reasons NOT to Redesign Your Web Site


Web designers and web developers are tinkerers by nature. We love to fine-tune our creative ideas until they are somewhere close to perfection, despite our definition of perfection being in a constant state of flux. If our web site design does begin to approximate perfection, the inevitable happens. We come up with 101 reasons why […]

Online Time Tracking & Task Management Using Intervals Mini


With the recent announcement of our Intervals web-based mobile app for time tracking and task management we introduced a scaled down interface to our online project management software. Given the limited screen real estate available on most mobile phones, the more comprehensive Intervals online software has been reduced to only the essential features needed while […]

Intervals Online Time, Task & Project Management Improvements


We’ve recently launched a new round of updates focused primarily on making Intervals run faster. Although Intervals was already plenty fast enough, we like to stay ahead of the curve, offering an online time tracking, task management and project management application that exceeds people’s expectations. Intervals is a comprehensive application that covers many aspects of […]

Intervals Blog Listed in Top 50 Productivity Blogs To Watch in 2010


To help out small businesses wanting to know how to best spend the limited time resources they have, has posted its list of the Top 50 Productivity Blogs to Watch in 2010. The list includes links to blogs for getting things done, increasing productivity at work, getting organized, personal productivity, and our favorite, lifestyle […]

Intervals Web-based Mobile App Beta Launch


Say hello to the new Intervals web-based mobile app, debuting in all its Beta glory on your smart phone’s web browser. Simply open your phone’s web browser and load your Intervals account, Intervals will take it from there. Whether at a meeting, in the field, or wherever your business may take you, easily track time […]