Author Archives: John Reeve

A Design Primer for Web-based Startups


© Wells Riley If you’ve ever tried to start your own online business, you probably know that one of the most difficult challenges is making it look good. The Web app we are developing needs a clean look and an intuitive interface. Design is what really ties the Web app together. Wells Riley, a UI/UX […]

How Our Customers are Helping to Protect the Planet


What does protecting the planet have to do with online project management software? Nothing. The two aren’t even remotely related. At least, that’s what we thought when we launched Intervals in 2006. Us three founders share a mutual passion for technology and the environment. Our love of technology is what brought us together to form […]

SXSW Interactive 2012 Team Building Competition
The Lego Mindstorms Rumble at Google Village


South by Southwest Interactive, popularly known as SXSWi, is an annual mind-warping interactive festival held in Austin, Texas. For five days, an overwhelming number of web designers, developers, marketers, and more, descend upon the convention center and surrounding environs to attend panels, network, and enjoy great food and drink. It’s almost guaranteed to be a […]

Time Tracking Lessons Learned


Our flagship product, Intervals, is coming up quickly on it’s sixth anniversary. Before the first line of code was ever written, we had already been tracking time for six years as a Web design and development agency. So we knew a little bit about the dos and don’ts, and how to make it easier for […]

Adventures in Analog Time Tracking


Before there was such a thing as online time tracking software, I was already obsessed with tracking my time. I’d worked in creative agencies, web design agencies, web development shops, software development companies, and even dabbled in IT. Regardless of my role at each job, I wanted to know how much time I was working, […]