Author Archives: John Reeve

Why workflow management and time tracking belong together


In the 13-plus years since we first launched Intervals, I’ve had countless conversations with customers in which I’ve both taught and learned how our software can best benefit their creative agencies. These last few years I’ve noticed a recurring theme in how these agencies approach workflow management. Many creative agencies are breaking down their workflow […]

Why Time Tracking Matters in Project Management


The two most important metrics by which a project manager will have her performance gauged is her ability to deliver a project on time and under budget. A project that meets these two goals is a reflection of not only a successful project manager, but also a productive team and a profitable agency. The reality […]

Three Time Tracking Tips for Agencies


Time tracking is often misunderstood as the bane of the agency. That’s completely understandable considering that most of us creatives, who prefer organic work over the binary, would rather spend our time doing creative work, not tallying up hours and running reports. The truth is that time tracking is easier than we think, and the […]

How to break down a project into milestones and tasks


Managing a project can be an overwhelming experience, especially a larger project with several moving parts. Deadlines, deliverables, and budgets all need to be harmonized if the project is to be a success. Whether you are using Scrum, or more traditional waterfall project management methods, breaking down a project into manageable milestones and tasks is […]

Tracking time when you don’t bill hourly


Many agencies prefer to bill their clients a flat fee based on the value of the work being created. Whether it’s designing and developing a web site or creating an ad campaign, the scope and price are discussed and contractually agreed upon before the work begins. And while time tracking isn’t required if you don’t […]

Why use professional services automation software?


What is professional services automation software? Put simply, professional services automation (PSA) software is just another name for project management software that’s designed specifically for the needs of agencies that provide a professional service. PSA software features the tools an agency needs to stay on top of all the details and get paid for their […]

Tracking time and invoicing clients with less hassle


Let’s be honest. Tracking time and invoicing clients are the two of the most loathed job responsibilities in the professional world. On the flip side, these practices are required at any agency that wants to effectively manage and get paid for their time. Whether billing hourly or billing a fixed fee, using the right time […]

How web design project management software saved our agency


In the not too distant past, we earned most of our revenue doing professional web design and development. Over the course of 10 years we built over 300 web sites for over 100 companies. And while we eventually went on to develop Intervals — our project management software for web design agencies and other small […]