Author Archives: Michael Payne

What’s next for Intervals? – Intervals Roadmap Update


A few weeks back we sent out an email to all current Intervals account owners letting them about some upcoming features. The contents of that email are below. Task Flexibility Estimated launch: Next Few Weeks We are starting the process of making tasks less rigid to accommodate different types of work flows. End date is […]

Growing and evolving, preventing bloatware, and small things


Our goal with Intervals is to keep improving weekly. We have a lot of features and improvements on our road-map and we get new requests daily (often hourly) from the “feature request” link and the forum. We do not believe that “fully featured” and “easy to use” are mutually exclusive and we strive to keep […]

Invoice by Amount and Executive User Email Notifications


Today we launched a series of minor improvements to Intervals. Two worth mentioning are: Executive Email Notifications on Task Comments The executive user in Intervals has evolved over time. Initially this user level was meant to view reports and the budgetary status of projects and submit work requests. We have received requests to make this […]

Intervals Performance Improvements and Maintenance are Complete


The second and more substantial maintenance and performance upgrade scheduled for this week are presently underway complete. We expect Intervals to be unavailable for approximately 1 hour sometime between 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM (Pacific). Intervals was unavailable for a little more than an hour. We will shoot out an email to all current Intervals […]

Intervals Server Maintenance & Upgrades Scheduled


This week two performance related upgrades are scheduled: Tonight – Monday, February 11th – service window 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Pacific) – expected downtime: 10 – 15 minutes Wednesday, February 13th – service window 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM (Pacific)– expected downtime: 1 hour Our apologies on the short notice of the first upgrade. […]