Author Archives: Michael Payne

Project Level Discounts


You can apply a discount to all of the rates for a single project. We use this feature for maintenance contracts to speed up the process of applying a discount and creating the initial project. For example, 10% across all work types. We have more tuning items in the works to make the process of […]

Weekly Summary Report in your inbox


Tracking your tasks and time tells you a lot about your business. This week we started “pushing” information to your inbox. The reporting section of Intervals can show you if you are profitable, if you are doing the type of work you think you are, if your projects are in budget, if your team is […]

Emails are now in HTML


All emails sent from Intervals are now in HTML format.  If you have customized your logo and color scheme, the emails will reflect that as well. Here is a sample of the new format:

Intervals Launch Covered by Santa Barbara Newspress


Santa Barbara Newspress – Filing Cabinet June 13, 2006 8:03 AM Local Web development company Pelago has launched a new Web-based service it dubbed Intervals, which continues the trend of “software as a service” — moving applications off your computer and onto the Web (where other people worry about the technical stuff and update the […]

Reports now include the ability to group by ‘Manager’


This week we added the ability to group by ‘Manager’ for all reports. We have weekly goals for billable and unbillable hours (client work vs. internal projects) and being able to monitor our time by manager allows us to make mid-week modifications to be sure we’re hitting our goals…and not just working on the most […]

Intervals Launched Today


After a successful three month beta program, Intervals is officially live. Download the Intervals Launch Press Release (PDF | 75k) The feedback we have received from our beta testers has been very positive and we are excited to start working on the next round of features. “We really love this system. We’ve tested others but […]

Intervals as a compliance tool


It turns out that if you have strong compliance requirements, marrying Intervals with Subversion is a powerful combination. We have a client that must track not only every change that is made on their site, but also when those changes are pushed live. Considering that we work on the site, one of their internal developers, […]

Footer Tooltip for Task Timer


We added a tooltip for the task timers in the footer.  If you roll your mouse over the task #, Intervals with show you the task title.  This feature was requested from one of our beta testers that starts and stops multiple timers throughout the day and applies them at the end of the day.  It’s […]