Improved Feature: Better Time Tracking Notifications

Michael Payne | October 22nd, 2021

Tracking time and learning where your time is going is a core feature of Intervals. Many of our customers that have used other time tracking systems pick up Intervals pretty quickly. Intervals allows you to track time however you work. You can use task timers, general timers, or manually add time. You can also add a week’s worth of time at once, track time using the mobile app, or import time.

If you are new to tracking time or just need some helpful nudges to build good habits, there are two notifications within Intervals that have recently been overhauled. They are located in the “Notifications” section within your account.

Time Tracking Notifications

Time Tracking Notifications

Timer alerts

The timer alerts notification is useful to prevent a timer from running too long. For example, you might get interrupted while you are doing deep work and forget to stop a timer. This notification can be customized to notify you if you have left a timer running longer than a certain amount of time.

Time tracking reminder

If you would like a friendly reminder that you have not tracked time today, this alert can be configured to notify you by a certain time of day. This alert can be especially helpful for teams that are new to time tracking and may forget to update their timesheet. Each person can set their own time tracking reminder and administrator level users can set reminders for anyone on the team.

→ Read the help documentation for more information on using the time tracking notifications

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Michael Payne

Michael is a co-founder and product architect at Pelago. His contributions stem from experiences managing the development process behind web sites and web-based applications such as Intervals. Michael drives a 1990 Volkswagen Carat with a rebuilt 2.4 liter engine from GoWesty.
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