I was chatting with a parent in the school parking lot after drop-off this morning and we got to talking about software and tech. He mentioned he works for the city, where he is currently assisting with the transition to online time tracking software — a long overdue transition considering they still use paper timesheets.
Honestly, I was surprised anyone still uses paper timesheets. My first thought was “well, he does work for the government and they are known to do things slower.” But then he explained to me all the complexities of tracking time at a municipal level, and everything he was saying made a lot of sense.
The conversation made me realize that a lot of people do use paper timesheets — because they aren’t likely to have a better option until their employer adopts online time tracking software. Was I naive to think that nobody uses paper timesheets any more? I think so, given that I haven’t blogged about it for the last ten years.
Before we built Intervals, our online time tracking software, our company tracked time using paper timesheets for the first few years of its existence as a web development agency. That was a long time ago, but we still have the PDF, and I still think it’s a good design that’s relevant today.
Please use the link below to download it, then use it, modify it, share it. Whether its done with paper or software, we can help make the workplace less work through better time tracking.