Search results for “time”

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  1. Time In - Time Out | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Time In - Time Out | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum jnhearne 10/03/2007 7:21 pm   I was recently confronted by a question from an employee about time in and Time out. The question was, "If I'm doing double duty, that is billable to client...

  2. Automatically update project time estimates with task time estimates | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Automatically update project time estimates with task time estimates | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum jorj.ives 11/27/2007 8:59 am   Hello, I've noticed that the task time estimates have no bearing on the project time estimates. Surely the...

  3. Have actual start and end times for Tasks and draw time line on the calendar | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Have actual start and end times for Tasks and draw time line on the calendar | Intervals Project Tracking Software Forum Craigburleigh 04/04/2011 8:10 am   Hey everyone, Every year I keep asking for the same thing - this has been going on for three...

  4. Detect Manually entered time Vs. Timer time | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Detect Manually entered time Vs. Timer time | Intervals jnhearne 08/20/2009 11:03 am   Currently the only way to detect if a worker is Manually entering his time at the end of the day is to see that they enter Whole numbers. If the worker is smart...

  5. Please record AMOUNT OF TIME and ACTUAL TIME period task done in - very important for me | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Please record AMOUNT OF TIME and ACTUAL TIME period task done in - very important for me | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum Craigburleigh 10/06/2009 8:07 am   One thing that I really wish could be added, especially in light of the new...

  6. Critical - Record the ACTUAL time span of a task on the calendar w START & STOP times | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Critical - Record the ACTUAL time span of a task on the calendar w START & STOP times | Intervals Craigburleigh 11/24/2009 3:22 pm   Still waiting on this - this is critical - One thing that I really wish could be added, especially in light of the...

  7. What Timers Need --- Time in _ Time out | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...What Timers Need --- Time in _ Time out | Intervals jnhearne 11/17/2009 11:43 am   Our Clients are starting to ask for Super Details. Now it's no longer good enough for them to see that on October 9th, 3.245 hours was appled to their project. They...

  8. Add time to multiple persons in the time dialogue box? | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Add time to multiple persons in the time dialogue box? | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum matt 12/31/2009 9:36 am   Dear Intervals developers, I have several instances where multiple people are assigned to the same task - and they each work...

  9. Asking again - critical to have 'actual time' of tasks not just 'amount' of time | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...Asking again - critical to have 'actual time' of tasks not just 'amount' of time | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum Craigburleigh 04/09/2010 10:21 am   Still waiting on this - this is critical - One thing that I really wish could be added...

  10. I need to report on time used by a customer who has a block of time | Intervals Project & Time Tracking Forum

    ...I need to report on time used by a customer who has a block of time | Intervals aj993mills 06/05/2010 1:39 pm   We have customers who have blocks of time purchased for the year. How can I report on the amount of time they have left or bill and...

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